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vendredi 16 avril 2010

Volcanic eruptions in Iceland, a difficult year after the fabulous 2009? 冰島火山爆發,業界人士人心惶惶...

Volcanic eruptions in Iceland have been lasted for several days. Followers of must know Bon Wine has been continuously visiting some wineries in France during these 2 months, selecting the best wines for our dear clients.

After the visits in France, Ashley, our Hong Kong market in charge person, took a flight to the UK for further wine exchange. Unpredictably, Iceland volcanic erupts, smoke immersive the town. She has no way but stay in the town and waiting for some good news for the few next days. By curiosity, I look up for more history of Iceland volcanic eruptions…

Smoke caused by volcanic eruptions and affected flights in Europe. The whole of nature is given a very major pollution. More serious, the carbon dioxide gas was released against the surrounding neighbors. According to statistics, in 1783, eruption in Iceland caused the formation of clouds of smoke straight into the atmosphere and blocking sunlight. The impact of sunlight and temperature changed, the eruption caused a serious famine. . .

2009 was a rich year for the wine in Europe, en primeur and stuffs are still going on and on, however, if we turn to the situation right now face to the volcanic eruptions, it would be a good question to ask “Will 2010 becomes an incredibly bad year for the European wine if eruption in Iceland still last as 200 years ago? Wine grower in Europe should be careful due to this unpredictable change of the global climate.

No matter, greenhouse effect, natural disasters, the consequences of industrial development. . . We don’t have time to care of it, none of us would have any solution right now. The important remind is for the Wine countries in Europe: Be prepared for the difficult year after the fabulous 2009…

冰岛火山爆发连日,一向抱冷静「国」度以事论事,以事论酒的品酒「国」度却不能置身事外。有follow 一定知道 Bon Wine 一连两个月不断走访法国多个酒庄为客人精选葡萄酒。同行与酒有约的Ashley前几天飞往英国作进一步品酒交流,却巧遇冰岛火山爆发,烟雾迷漫,城镇内要出城的群众鸡飞狗跳。此景况引发我想进一步了解冰岛的情况...



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